法国位于欧洲西部,地理位置得天独厚,拥有异常丰富的自然与文化遗产。 面积为55.1602万平方公里(包括科西嘉岛)。法国三面邻海,是西欧面积最大的国家,地中海上的科西嘉岛是法国最大岛屿,通用货币为欧元,首都巴黎也是欧洲重要的政治经济中心。
周一到周五 AM08:30-PM18:00 当地代理也是在相同的时间派送和操作。
不可接受货物 酒类,但是样品除外 珠宝 没有说明的药品 易腐烂的食品 植物 用于集邮的邮票 窃听设备 核废料和武器 高低价值划分
所有小于等于22 欧元的包裹为低价值,大于22 欧元为高价值
Customs Specifications 清关详细
1 - Shipments from companies to companies are considered as low value (free of duty and tax), if valued under 22 euros. If valued over 22 euros, duties and taxes will be assessed. Same limits are applied from private individuals to companies or companies to private individuals。 如果货物是公司发给公司,在申报价值为22欧元(每票计算,而不是每件),如果申报价值大于22欧元的话, 海关就会估值和征税。 公司发给个人或者个人发给公司也同样适用以上的规定。
2 - Shipments from private individuals to private individuals are considered as low value (free of duty and tax), if valued under 45 euros. If valued over 45 euros, duties and taxes will be assessed.
3 - Alcohol and Spirits/ drinks (without alcohol): only samples are accepted if sent in limited quantities and value (under 22 euros).
4 - Leather goods: a CITES document is mandatory for endangered species protected by the Washington Convention.
毛皮类的商品,所有被华盛顿公约保护的濒危物种都需要CITES证件 ( CITES全名为Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild,本公约于一九七三年四月三十日以前在华盛顿开放签署,中国和法国都是该条约的缔约国,目前中国CITES的签发机构是中华人民共和国濒危物种进出口管理办公室)
5 - Medecines without prescription are prohibited to private individuals. Shipments must be valued under 45 euros. An import license is required from the consignee.
6 - Non perishable and canned foodstuffs: Only samples are accepted if sent in limited quantities a value less than 22 euros or 45 euros..
7 - Shoes, Textiles (unfinished & finished), Fabrics: if the value of the shipment is 22 euros or greater, a certificate of origin is required from the shipper. A pictogram is mandatory on shoes for all origins and any value, even for samples.
鞋类/纺织品/布样,如果价值在22欧元以上的话,发货人需要原产地证明。所有鞋类都需要提供象形图,任何鞋类。 (因为法国是世界高档鞋类的设计和销售中心,法国政府为了保护知识产权的外观设计,一般都需要发货人或收货人提供图样)
8 - All video games (devices as well as software) must be accompanied by a test label, detailing precautionary statements.
所有的可视游戏,包括软件,必须有一个测试标签,同时要有警告类的陈述 |